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The present tense for –ir verbs


The present tense is used for actions you do or are doing.


There are far fewer ir verbs than er verbs.  Examples include: finir (to finish), choisir (to choose), remplir (to fill), réussir (to succeed) and réfléchir (to think, to reflect)


Regular ir verbs take the following endings:


Text Box: * These words sound the same
Finir                            To finish

Je finis*                        I finish / I am finishing

Tu finis*                       You finish / you are finishing (familiar)

Il finit*                          He finishes / he is finishing

Elle finit*                      She finishes / she is finishing

On finit*                       We finish, “one” finishes / we are finishing, “one” is finishing

Text Box: ** The –ent is silent
Nous finissons              We finish / we are finishing

Vous finissez                 You finish / you are finishing (polite and / or plural)

Ils finissent**                They finish / they are finishing (masculine / mixed)

Elles finissent**             They finish / they are finishing (feminine)



Irregular ir verbs

Here are some common irregular ir verbs:


Partir = To leave                    Sortir = To go out                  Sentir =To smell, taste, feel

Je pars                                     Je sors                                      Je sens

Tu pars                                    Tu sors                                     Tu sens

Il part                                       Il sort                                       Il sent

Nous partons                            Nous sortons                           Nous sentons

Vous partez                              Vous sortez                             Vous sentez

Ils partent                                 Ils sortent                                 Ils sentent



Venir = To come

Je viens

Tu viens

Il vient

Nous venons

Vous venez

Ils viennent