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The present tense for –er verbs


The present tense is used for actions you do or are doing.


The majority of regular verbs are of this type, with their infinitive ending in -er.  Some examples include regarder (to watch, to look at), trouver (to find), manger (to eat) and porter (to wear, to carry)


Regular er verbs take the following endings:


Text Box: * These words sound the same

Jouer                           To play

Je joue*                       I play / I am playing

Tu joues*                     You play / you are playing (familiar)

Il joue*                         He plays / he is playing

Elle joue*                     She plays / she is playing

On joue*                      We play, “one” plays / we are playing, “one” is playing

Nous jouons                 We play / we are playing

Vous jouez                   You play / you are playing (polite and / or plural)

Ils jouent*                     They play / they are playing (masculine / mixed)

Elles jouent*                  They play / they are playing (feminine)




There are minor variations to the spelling of the following er verbs to indicate easier pronunciation:


Manger = To eat                      Commencer = To start                       Acheter = To buy

Je mange                                    Je commence                                        J’achète

Tu manges                                  Tu commences                                     Tu achètes

Il mange                                      Il commence                                         Il achète

Nous mangeons                          Nous commençons                               Nous achetons

Vous mangez                              Vous commencez                                  Vous achetez

Ils mangent                                  Ils commencent                                     Ils achètent



Other verbs like acheter : se lever (to get up), se promener (to go for a walk)



An irregular er verb


Aller = To go

Je vais

Tu vas

Il va

Nous allons

Vous allez

Ils vont